Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Hair Masks?!

Let me just start off by saying, that I will be adding to this topic as time goes on. I have thick hair & I love hair products, whether it be a dry shampoo or an oil serum I am willing to try it out. It's a trial and error thing, right?

This product I purchased at the Sally Beauty Supply in Wenatchee, Washington for $3.39 before tax.  
It is a hair mask that contains Macadamia Oil and was said to "repair" your hair after using for a couple of weeks. Well, the instructions were to leave it on for roughly 7 min. while your hair is wet. So, for my hair since its so thick and frizzy; not a curly frizz but a straight EXPLOSION, I left it on for 20 minute. I really didn't have to leave it on for that long, however I am a stay at home mom and lost track of time. :)

Mind you I did this mask right before bed, so I rinsed it off and went to sleep.
 Then I woke up, styled my hair & the PICTURE SHOWN IS THE RESULT!!! This was only after 1 use!  I love this product so much and I will be buying it from now on! $3.39 can't bet that, especially when it has such amazing results.

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