Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Hate working out? THEN DANCE!

Just start moving. You don't need to have weights or run a mile to get fit. Sure, going to a gym can help plus I'm sure there are a lot of you who enjoy doing it. But if you are like me and also think working out is boring. DANCE.
When you dance, you can feel the same burn and have the same passion if not more. Enjoying yourself while working out can lead to more frequent "workouts". Not only will you enjoy yourself, but it will put you in a good mood for the rest of the day. At least that's how I feel when I get done. My thighs, lower abdominal and calves burn for a good 30-45 mins with each "workout" session.  I simply put on my Pandora, click my "Pop and Hip Hop Workout Radio" station and get MOVIN"!

If you don't believe Dancing can help you workout,
here are some stilled shots of one of my dance workouts.

You can see my muscles flexing as I'm moving. If you throw in a couple of arm movements you can also work out your arms! Just feel the beat and dance your heart out. No one can see you, no one will make fun of you, and no one can tell you that your doing it wrong. In the end, if you do decided to give Dance workouts a try I hope that you enjoy yourself and have FUN working out! 


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